Looking for Parts, Supplies or Service for your PhotoTherm SideKick or SuperSideKick Film Processor?

We carry a stock of the most common parts for these units and can also help you troubleshoot your unit. Most people that are familiar with the PhotoTherm Line and service, are aware that they ceased operations around the end of 2018.

We do have and or can manufacture most parts associated with these units. We have the only factory trained representative that was involved in the manufacturing and repair of these units. As you can imagine these parts are getting harder and harder to acquire. We do carry not only new but also refurbished circuit boards for these units. (Both the 40-pin type and 52-pin type) along with spindles and a limited amount of drums (8 roll drums are not available, but spindles are). We can also test and repair most PhotoTherm film processor circuit boards as long as their condition is not beyond what would be considered “safe”. Usually, we can evaluate the board with a couple of good photos sent to us.

The phototherm.com website was abandoned by the owner and went up for auction……due to bot bidding by the auction site themselves, and a blocked bid, we were unable to acquire it. We did try to acquire the domain name but were unable. We did manage to retrieve a lot of the technical information that had been available through that site and we are providing as much of that information to you here. Be aware that phone numbers and page links may be outdated and do not work. CLICK HERE for a link to that old site information. We will be slowly but surely removing the outdated links, and especially removing the links taking you to the ones trying to sell the domain name the AI stole in an auction and now is trying to sell it for $5000.

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